Lee Funeral Home Funeral & Cremation Services
Untitled Document


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Lori Barlics
Sunrise: 1948-02-03 in California
Sunset: 2020-07-28 in Las Vegas
Lori Barlics is survived by her loving husband, family and all who knew her.

James Barnard
Sunrise: 1924-03-12 in Colorado
Sunset: 2017-07-08 residing at 360 S Lola Ln.
James Barnard is survived by Karen Riggers (daughter).

Thomas Barrick
Sunrise: 1944-07-18
Sunset: 2018-09-17 in Pahrump
Military Service: Served Honorably in the US Armed Forces
Thomas Barrick is survived by his Loving Family.

Patricia L. Barrick
Sunrise: 1943-05-11 in Washington
Sunset: 2019-05-03 in Pahrump
Patricia L. Barrick is survived by her loving family and friends.

Christian N. Bash
Sunrise: 2021-03-12 in Florida
Sunset: 2021-05-15 in Pahrump
Christian N. Bash is survived by his loving children, family members, neighbors and friends and all who knew him.

Everett John Batemon
Sunrise: 1955-07-24 in Nevada
Sunset: 2020-12-25 in Pahrump
Everett John Batemon is survived by his loving children, family, and all who knew him.

Donald F. Beaton SR
Sunrise: 1946-12-26 in California
Sunset: 2019-11-30 in Beatty
Military Service: Served Honorably in the United States Marine Corps
Donald F. Beaton SR is survived by his loving family and friends.

James Beaty
Sunrise: 1937-07-12 in New Mexico
Sunset: 2019-05-15 in Pahrump
James Beaty is survived by his loving family and friends.

Mary E Beaver
Sunrise: 1930-07-15 in Illinois
Sunset: 2019-05-15 in Las Vegas
Mary E Beaver is survived by her loving family and friends.

Esther Beatrice Beckett
Sunrise: 1938-01-13 in California
Sunset: 2020-08-20 in Pahrump
Esther Beatrice Beckett is survived by her loving husband, family, friends and all who knew her.

Total records: 822
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