Lee Funeral Home Funeral & Cremation Services
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About Lee Funeral Home and Cremation Services

Lee Funeral Home & Cremation Service is a family owned business with over 40 years’ experience; the family has been operating this business in Pahrump since 2002. We offer a full range of funeral options. Our company's philosophy is to follow the wishes of the family. With years of experience to draw upown, the owners and staff can ease the decision-making process. Lee Funeral Home and Cremation Service takes pride in providing a quality service. We want people to make an informed decision on what type of service to have, what the cost will be, and how it will fit their budget. We're not here to sell our clients something they don't need or can't afford." The services and products that we have available include: 

Community involvement is important to us -- we support local community programs such as Pahrump Recreation Improvements Projects, Inc and Pahrump Disability Outreach Program. Lee Funeral Home is a Pahrump Valley Chamber of Commerce member. We are also an accredited member of the Better business Bureau of Southern Nevada.

James is a local Pastor who attends to those who need a Officiant for a funeral or memorial service. He is also available for Pastoral Care during the loss of a loved one.






Lee Funeral Home: 775-727-1888

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